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Mae Woven

Celeste x Mae Woven

Celeste x Mae Woven

Today we are highlighting the wonderful Celeste Clark. We admire her for many, many reasons. She lives down south with her sweet husband & 5 month old babe, Wilde. Celeste loves to create. She even has a self-made business run right out of the comfort of her home! She has amazing taste and the sweetest personality. That, along with millions of other reasons, is why we chose her to be our October 'Mae Woven Muse'.

Tell us a little bit about yourself...

I was born and raised in the greatest state of north Texas, and it shows. My southern pride runs deep! I met my husband while attending college in Provo, Utah. He makes me (and basically everyone around him) pee my pants laughing, and that's how I knew we would be together forever. We welcomed our sweet, chunky baby boy into the world this last April and truly could not imagine life without his little rolly polly self! My world basically revolves around loving on these two, exploring the outdoors, Thai food and creating anything and everything that consumes every corner of my brain! 

Remy Cactus Silk Pillow & Beas Cactus Silk Pillow

What is your strongest personal quality and why?

My husband loves to point out how head-strong I am, haha. But if I had to choose something that I'm proud of, then I would say my drive to succeed. I grew up in a home watching my father create and fix everything from scratch. He basically wrote the book on being an entrepreneur and as a result, three out of four of his children own their own businesses! My parents were always very supportive anytime I would choose some new, wacky thing to pursue. I think this helped shape my confidence as a business owner and just a human being in general. If I'm not progressing in something, then I'm bored. Once I finally reach a goal, I am eager to move on to the next challenge to learn from and hopefully succeed in.

How has motherhood changed your outlook on life? 

Absolutely everything has done a 360, head flop, then scrambled up – just to sum it up, haha. You can read all the books and talk to all the pros, but no one can truly prepare you for the change your heart makes the moment that tiny human is placed on your bare chest for the first time. My entire world revolves around him and his health and happiness, and, it is truly so fulfilling to know that. I have to text my husband at least five times a day stating how my love for Wilde is exponential. If I had to move to the other side of the world on a deserted island for him, I would at the drop of a hat. My heart has swelled x10 and suddenly all the trivial things I'd normally be hung up on in life don't matter anymore. My brain and energy go entirely towards him! Which has made me SO much happier! I never knew how much I really needed him in my life.

What are your biggest career aspirations and what do you plan on doing to achieve them?

The list would wrap around the world I think, hah! I am always actively and consciously finding new ways to grow as a brand. Sometimes the dreams become so far fetched, it almost seems impossible. But that doesn't stop me from trying my darnedest to achieve my goals. I would love to branch out of solely painting custom work and really putting my artwork into production in things like clothes, wallpaper, home goods, etc. I think my way of achieving them is to continue to climb that ladder, no matter how many times I'm told "no" {which is A LOT!} and take each day at time. Rome wasn't built overnight ya know. ;)

What was one of your most defining moments in life?

Other than becoming a mother; I would say it came to me at such a young age, so I am shocked it truly stuck to me as a "defining moment" as an angsty teen. When I was 18 years old, I had plans to attend Art school to study photography in Dallas and stay in my comfort zone and bubble of a hometown. I was content, had all of my friends near me and had no reason for change. I remember in late August, a week before college was supposed to start, a light went off and I realized my life needed to be turned around in that moment. Literally. As painful as the decision was, I dropped all of my plans and life to move to Utah where I didn't know a soul, and suddenly I was completely vulnerable... Something I'd never experienced before. With that came so much growth, starting my business and best of all, finding my soulmate. I truly would not have this amazing business based off my artwork and lovely life if I didn't take that scary leap. I'm sure I'll have many more defining moments throughout life, but this has been the biggest and best one yet!
Website: Celeste Clark
Youtube: Celeste Clark
Instagram: @celestecclark
Pinterest: Celeste Clark

1 comment

Nov 13, 2018

You are such an amazing woman, Celeste! I loved reading all about you. You are a beautiful person inside and out… 💕

Donna Miner

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