For the month of April, we have chosen to highlight the amazing Ashley Petrone. Ashley and her family recently purchased a home (after living in a trailer for years) in Northern California. She has an eye for design and is always capturing the most beautiful scenes that she has created within her home. We are completely in awe of the hardworking & talented woman she is!
Tell us a little bit about yourself...
I'm a California girl all the way through. So much so, my mom and grandma still mow their lawns in a swimsuit... it's just in us! I got married at the sweet, young age of 20, after only dating my husband for 3 weeks. Now, 13 years and 3 kids later, we are happily experiencing all the joys of life together. About 2 years ago, we decided to shake up our comfy little lives and sell everything and move into an RV on our land. It was a wild ride and life changing journey. It grew us as a family and really changed me individually. I'm so thankful for that time in our lives and how it taught us to truly find joy in every in between. I love food, like love it. I am a social eater and the greatest gift you could give me would to just share a meal with me.
Black Bolga Basket & Yalda Cactus Silk & Hom Thailand Pillow
When did you discover that design was one of your passions?
I grew up with a mom that was always doing everything herself in the house. Sewing, yard work, cleaning, everything. So I have always been tinkering and shifting myself. At a young age you would find me late at night rearranging my room. I don't think it was until the last 4 years that I really found my confidence to just go for it and be bold in my design!

Black Bolga Basket & Yalda Cactus Silk & Hom Thailand Pillow
Where would your dream vacation be and why?
I would love to go to New Zealand. I love everything about the culture, design, weather, and of course the accents!

Black Bolga Basket & Yalda Cactus Silk & Hom Thailand Pillow
Would you consider yourself an early bird or a night owl?
I feel like it changes depending on the season of life. But I'd say an early bird. I definitely wake up early for a good sale!

Black Bolga Basket & Yalda Cactus Silk & Hom Thailand Pillow
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their life?
Live in a trailer, haha! Seriously though, it was life changing. If not that, then something so outrageous that it stretches you. I think just selling everything is so life giving. It's not easy and fun all the time but it's a gift to just live so simply.
Instagram: Ashley Petrone
Website: Ashley Petrone
Pinterest: Ashley Petrone
Air BnB: Ashley Petrone
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